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Adopt A School
Why The Need

Providing Education to our young Pakistani Christian children who come from the most under - served and most marginalized families is the main objective of Pakistan Christian Outreach Foundation . Although various denominations , especially the Catholic church and the American Presbyterian church have done a great job of building and operating schools in Pakistan , these prestigious educational institutions are regarded as Private educational institutions as opposed to the Public educational institutions run by the government .

These private educational school systems run by the church bureaucracy have more or less become a business enterprise and generally admit 80% to 90% of Muslim children whose well to do parents are willing and determined to pay high fees so that their rich children can go to these pretigious private schools .


The pioneer missionaries , both catholics and protestants in the early 1900's were well intentioned when they constructed these schools to educate the newly converted Christians at the time .


Unfortunately, due to this switch in policy , mostly re-shaped and re-purposed by the National and the International Church bureaucracy of making the private school system in Pakistan a business  enterprise has left 60% to 70% of Pakistani Christian  children behind . This has adversely affected the poor and the undeserved Pakistani Christian children whose parents cannot afford high tuition fees .


Pakistan Christian Outreach Foundation is currently partnering with individual donors who are willing to open Private schools with higher educational standards that are stricktly dedicated and commited to enrolling 70% to 80 % Pakistani Christian children from the most underserved and poor families .

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One such couple is Joseph Bock and Susan Lyke-Bock . Both Sue and Joe are from the Midwest . Joe had the opportunity to serve as the country Representative for Catholic Relief services for three years in Pakistan . While there , he and Sue saw first hand how the current private school system in Pakistan was disenfranchising these poor children .They decided to do something about it and with the help of Sister Marriam Yousaf Opened a Private school in Sialkot , Pakistan strictly dedicated to serving the most needy and underserved children .Sue and Joe have faithfully funded and looked over this school over the last twelve years .


Pakistan Christian Outreach Foundation has partnered with Sue and Joe in assisting with the tuition fee of most of these needy Children . The foundation is also helping with subsidizing the salaries of teachers so that these experienced Pakistani Christian teachers can be given the opportunity to have a living wage salary in a secure Christian environment.

Pakistan Christian Outreach Foundation 's goal is to build , operate and fund ten such schools in the next ten years . These schools will be constructed in the most underserved Pakistani Christian communities , both in rural and urban areas of Pakistan .

Sue and Joe's commitment to Rukh-e-Mariam is admirable and reminds us of the missionary spirit that once helped convert and educate Pakistani christian communities in the twenties ,thirties ,forties and fifties .

Please click on the button below if God calls you to serve the most deserving and the needy Pakistani Christian children.

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Joseph Bock and Sue Lyke-Bock visited Rukh-e-Mariam school in March ,2020 . This is the school that they helped establish over twelve years ago . 

P.C.O.F.'s country coordinator , Aqueel Haque accompanied the couple on their trip to Sialkot , Pakistan.

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The President of Pakistan Christian Outreach Foundation , Miss . Samra Aslam ,visited Rukh-e-Mariam School in February of 2020 . Mr James John A member of the P.C.O.F. Board  of advisors and Mr. Aqueel Haque , P.C.O.F.  Country Coordinator accompanied her on her trip to Sialkot , ,Pakistan .

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